On the 30th of June, 2024, Luton town held its Comic Con at the Inspire Sports Village. The event was organized by Striking Events, a company that prides itself on bringing popular events to smaller towns across England. Because cities like London,
Revisiting old books through your own collection of notes kept while book journaling is satisfying for any bibliophile. Here are some tips to keep beloved books alive.
Art is a subjective industry. There are many styles and variations. There’s traditional art, where pencils, ink, and paints are used. And then there’s digital art, which opens up even more possibilities thanks to the vast range of tools available. But despite
Book tags are a popular thing in the online bookish community. I’ve rarely participated in these, not because I feel like I’m too cool for it, but because I feel like I’m not as well-read as everyone else. However, this A to
BookCast has officially returned. On the comeback episode of the Redital BookCast, we discuss whether we should be feeling the pressure to finish every book, or whether it’s perfectly acceptable to drop a book that doesn’t resonate with us. Other topics discussed:
After running Redital Book Club for 18 months, I felt it was time to start doing more legwork. I applied for a press pass to attend the London Book Fair and was graciously accepted. As I’m currently unable to run Redital full
Welcome to the first official Redital BookCast. Each month on the BookCast I will review the featured book and discuss other subjects going on in the books industry. I will also speak on other books I have read and which books I
James Patterson is no doubt the most successful author brand in the world; you may think of J.K Rowling, but she’s known for one widely successful series, whereas James Pattern’s name alone is used to elevate many other authors. I have to
As a computer geek and former web developer, I appreciate hackers and what they can do. What’s more, I feel like science fiction set around the cyberspace creates interesting and unorthodox scenarios. It creates fantasy that is entirely believable given how advanced