What Stands Out About Mystery Novels?


Mystery is a genre that’s held in prestige by well-read individuals. Traditionally, mystery books are about a crime or murder that must be solved by a detective or investigator (of sorts); but over time the genre has expanded to where books that

Here’s 5 Mystery Books You Should Read


Mystery is a complex and convoluted genre, and the ruling for what actually counts as a mystery book is so subjective that sometimes it’s difficult to find the type of mystery you’re really looking for. Some just prefer their traditional murder mystery,

My Top Five Places to Read Away From Home


Home has been where I’ve done the majority of my reading, but I’ve also found that home is actually the most distracting place to read. There’s always something to be done around the house, it could be an object out of its

What Makes Great Science Fiction?


This month’s Redital Spotlight is Ernest Cline’s Armada which is an epic science fiction fantasy novel, so we decided we’d break down what exactly makes a great Sci-fi novel. Science fiction and fantasy are some of the most creatively stimulating genres because

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