Zeroes by Chuck Wendig | Book Club Review

What happens when you force a group of hackers together into one space? The answer is that they begin to learn every secret being hidden from them in plain sight. Chuck Wendig’s techno-thriller Zeroes sees a group of hackers – who have

6 Mind Blowing Hacking Books


As a computer geek and former web developer, I appreciate hackers and what they can do. What’s more, I feel like science fiction set around the cyberspace creates interesting and unorthodox scenarios. It creates fantasy that is entirely believable given how advanced

Desecration by J.F Penn | Book Club Review

Everyone has a dark side; even author J.F. Penn. Reading Desecration feels like taking a step into the dark regions of her mind. This is an author that is bright and cheerful in podcast form, but yet she produced Desecration, a book

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