T.M. Jefferson is an author I recently reached out to because I respected his indie-publishing hustle. We published an interview with T.M. Jefferson back in April 2022, and I remember being so intrigued by how he was able to overcome adversity and change his life around. This is why his memoir, Change The Game appeals to me.

Change The Game is more than just an author’s memoir. It’s a tale of personal growth and triumph. The narrative transports us from the graffiti-ridden hallways of the Hartley Housing project to the villainous and unjustly confines of the New York State prison system. In this tale, we learn about a young man’s obsession with earning fast money and the consequences that follow.
Through sheer will and mental fortitude, T.M. turns his life around, rising above the challenges that threaten to steal his life away.
Change The Game is a true story that shows how a person can hit the lowest lows and with a new belief system, experience the highest highs that life has to offer. It’s an inspiring story that unravels life’s hard truths while showing us that the positives in life are worth the hard work to experience.
You can order Change The Game directly through TMJ Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retailers. Find these links below!
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