So I’m guessing you clicked this because you want to know what should be going through your mind when you’re deeply immersed in a book. Well here’s the answer…
What should go through a reader’s mind when they’re immersed in a book?
…………………..Absolutely nothing…………………
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No, but seriously… When I get sucked into a book I’m not even consciously thinking anymore. I’m simply letting the author’s words play out in my mind as if I’m watching a play. I am the characters, and the world I’m being sucked into is completely real. Nothing else matters in that moment.
It’s only when I close the book or switch off my Kindle to give myself a break when I finally have that moment of realisation about being immersed in the story.
How often does this feeling of full immersion happen?
This feeling of total immersion while reading rarely happens these days. It takes a special book, and an advanced level of writing for authors to pull this off for the majority of their readers. They have to know exactly when to “tell” and they have to be “showing” extremely well. They have to make the characters feel real, which can be tough to do in fantasy (currently my favourite genre).
I’ll also take some of the blame, because in this day and age it has become too difficult to switch off. And by switching off, I don’t just mean social media and text messaging. I also mean switching off all those feelings of pent up anxiety, and all of the random thoughts about my life that decide to flood to the forefront as soon as I try to read a book. It’s too easy to be distracted now, which makes this state of total immersion more difficult to experience.
In this mordern society, full of its politics (Brexit Brexit Brexit) and social expectations…There’s nothing more soothing to the soul than allowing an author to make me forget reality.

I don’t want to think anymore, I just want to live inside my books. Even thinking about the quality of the book itself, while reading it, is an unwanted disruption for me. I’d rather just take notes after my reading session.
If you feel the same way then share your thoughts below!