When I started YOU, I was prepared to read a typical psychological thriller about some mentally damaged stalker, who’s a sociopath that shows no emotion for his actions. Never did I think that I would actually end up feeling sorry for the stalker. And I certainly never thought that Caroline Kepnes would make me enjoy being in his mind so much.
YOU is about book store manager Joe Goldberg’s obsession with aspiring writer Guinevere Beck, after she visits his book store. After a friendly conversation, Joe falls in love with Beck and looks up her information online to find out where she lives. He begins stalking her and watching her every move, eager to make her fall for him.
Typically when I read a book that deals with this subject matter, I feel so far removed from the psychopath that I could never understand their actions. But Caroline Kepnes is on record saying that Joe is somewhat an extension of herself, and it really shows. Despite being a nut-job, Joe feels so human and so real. He notices people’s taste in books, TV shows and clothes and he judges them for it. He’s condescending, sarcastic, hypocritical and worst of all, in love.

The story unfolds in a first-person current tense perspective, right inside of Joe’s mind. We share his every thought and feeling. We learn what he learns about Beck, and we understand his reactions to each revelation. And although we never see Joe through the eyes of another character, we see how clearly damaged he is. It makes you somewhat sympathetic towards him, despite his wrong-doing.
Beck is no saint herself, as she plays with the emotions of those around her, adding fuel to the fire in Joe’s mind. How Caroline Kepnes was able to understand the plight of a male in the current social climate is a mystery. She created a character of the opposite genre and nailed him. Not that all males are psychotic stalkers, of course; it’s moreso that she understands the consequences of rejection and the blatant disrespect that males are commonly forced to accept and be content with.
YOU has many emotional highs and lows. And it’s a page-turner to the fullest extent. Your mind will soon be deprived of Joe’s thoughts and actions and you’ll find yourself sneaking in chapters whenever possible.
The only gripe I really have with this book is that there are times when major crimes are happening with zero consequences. There’s no investigation, and hardly any concern shown for the victim’s friends or family. An explanation for this is that we’re seeing things through Joe’s eyes only, and perhaps no word of the investigation gets back to him. But even then, it begins to feel improbable that there are no major consequences to these chain of events.
But the book is so satisfying to read that these gripes are forgivable. You’ll be willing to suspend disbelief out of pure enjoyment. The book does what it aims to do, and that’s keeping us turning the pages until we have no more Joe left on the page. Thankfully, there’s another book with Joe Goldberg to read.

If you love a psychological thriller, then you NEED to read YOU! It’s that simple. Also look out for the TV show of the same name.