One thing about being a book worm is that I’m always stumbling upon new books that I want to read. This leads me to piling up on my Amazon Wish List. It’s so bad that I even have an Amazon Wish List entirely dedicated to books alone.
I’m always watching some BookTuber talk about their TBR, or doing a wrap up video which leads me to add two or three new books to my growing wish list. Or I’m hearing about one of my favourite authors who has a new book coming out. Sometimes it’s as simple as browsing books on Amazon and being attracted to one of the books that it recommends me.
It’s safe to say that my Amazon Wish List is over 50 books long and growing. I decided to periodically list some of the books from my Wish List that I’m the most excited to read. Here’s 7 of them…
Echoes by Laura Tisdall

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Echoes is about a hacker named Mallory who lives a double life. On one hand she’s a student dealing with OCD and social anxiety. On the other hand she’s a talented hacker called Echo Six who spends hours breaking into complex security systems. When allies in her hacker circle begin to go missing, Mallory finds herself mixed up in some deadly secrets.
Coming off of the Millennium series, I cannot wait to own this book.
The Sicilian by Mario Puzo

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The Sicilian is the literary sequel to The Godfather. The movies The Godfather and the Godfather II were both pulling story cues from the same book, The Godfather. But some of the scenes in The Godfather II also pull from The Sicilian, which is the actual sequel in book form.
The book takes place when Michael Corleone is nearing the end of his exile in Sicily. Michael negotiates an agreement to bring Salvatore Guiliano to America. Much of the book then focuses on the life of Guiliano and his rise to power.
Though I’m well versed in Puzo’s books, I’ve never actually owned a copy of The Sicilian yet. I just know enough about it. Perhaps this book will become a personal birthday purchase sometime soon.
Reamde by Neal Stephenson

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I don’t know much about this one, but Neal Stephenson fans rave about his books all the time and the description of this one seems like something I’d be interested in. From what I understand Reamde is a technothriller surrounding the plight of a hostage and the efforts to rescue her as her captors drag her all around the globe. Somehow this story includes an MMORPG, social networking, gold farming and the Russian Mafia. I’m interested in seeing how all these themes link together.
At 1056 pages though, this book is quite intimidating.
Wildcard by Marie Lu

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Wildcard is the sequel to Warcross. Warcross was all about a hacker named Emika Chen who is a hacker who accidentally glitches herself into a VR esport. She must then solve the mystery of another hacker who is disrupting the Warcross game.
Wildcard seems to follow up on the epic plot twist of the first book. It’s important that I read it at some point.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab

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A Darker Shade of Magic is a fantasy series set in different versions of London; each described as a different colour. The main character, Kell, is the last of a band of magicians that is able to travel between these different London realms.
This one has been on my list for a while and I think the only reason I haven’t read it yet is because I’ve been on a break from Fantasy. It’s definitely at the top of my list once I do go back to Fantasy.
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

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Convenience Store Woman is about a woman named Keiko, who worries about pleasing her family and fitting in. When she takes a job at a convenience store, she begins finding peace and purpose from the every day tasks that arise.
This book first caught my eye when I visited Foyles bookshop in London. It’s been at the back of my mind ever since.
Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray

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One of the biggest reasons that I added Lair of Dreams to my Amazon Wish List is because it’s set in New York. But aside from that it also has a pretty interesting premise. It’s about a media sweetheart who has the abilities of a seer. Evie is able to read peoples secrets as she’s what’s known as a Diviner. When a sickness starts to spread over the city, the Diviners must put a stop to things by visiting the dreamworld.
At this point I must thank Jean Menzies for first making me aware of this book.
Which books are on your wish list? Let the world know in the comments below!