Many people either love to read, or find it easy to pick up. There is however, a large majority of people who find it difficult to read a book. Whether it’s completely for pleasure or related to work or study. Everybody’s mind works differently, and some of us may struggle to read and retain the information being read. Have you ever started to read then quickly found yourself reading the words but not taking in any of the context? It can happen, especially when your interest level in the subject is low. It can also happen when you have other things on your mind, so it’s good practice to read at a time when you can unwind and set your mind at ease.
Besides that, here are a few more tips on keeping your concentration when reading.
Read books that will hold your interest
If you’re reading for pleasure, but having trouble concentrating, then perhaps you are reading the wrong book. It could be the wrong genre, or just how the book is written. If this happens then consider something that is more tailored to your interests. Goodreads is a great place to get recommendations because you can look up books you enjoy and find similar books. There’s also a huge database of reviews to help you get an idea of the book before buying it.
Of course, if you’re reading for work or study then reading something that interests you isn’t always possible. Some of our other tips may help you out here.

Limit all distractions
We live in an age where distractions can occur every few seconds. If you’re struggling to get into a book then the number one tip of all is to turn off your mobile, or at least put it on silent. Text messages, phone calls and social network updates can completely kill immersion. We also recommend reading in a tidy area where the urge to clean won’t be an issue. Cleaning your reading area beforehand will allow you to read with satisfaction.
If you’re reading in a fully occupied space where other people may be a distraction, then it may be a better idea to read at night time just before bed. That way the house is likely to be much calmer. Just make sure you have some good lighting on your side.
Assign shorter reading sessions
Pro-readers can knock out multiple chapters in one sitting without ever taking their eyes off the book, but not everyone is capable of this. Reading is a pass-time that requires much patience because conclusions require effort on your part before they are realised. Most people will read with the expectation of finishing at least one chapter, but finishing a chapter during your reading session isn’t essential.
It all comes down to the individual. If a chapter is running on too long and you’re beginning to feel drained, then there’s nothing wrong with simply marking the page and coming back to it next time. As long as you’re able to remember the events that unfolded previously then it’s completely fine. The reality is that everyone will read at a different pace, so reading 3-5 pages in a sitting is acceptable as long as you maintain an interest in finishing the book.
Add some background music or white noise
We’ve found that many readers like some background ambience when reading. This can be anything from classical music, to office noises to our personal favourite, rainy sounds. In recent times I also quite enjoy listening to LoFi music streams on YouTube. Not only does this help block out all other sounds that may occur in your environment, but it can also create a relaxing aura.
People underestimate how much sound plays a part in how our minds work. To me personally, background music is so motivating that I find it hard to work in total silence. I once worked in an office where people hardly ever spoke, and it created such a tense atmosphere that I felt like I was going crazy by working there every day. I like working in atmospheric environments where a radio is present, or people are chatting away (but not slacking of course).
The same applies to reading. I can get so consumed in a work of fiction with some rainy white noise to the point I forget that I’m even reading. Imagination takes over, and that’s where the beauty of reading really kicks in.
Another great site for background noise.

Making notes and summarising
This is mostly appropriate for non-fiction, but fiction readers can also give it a try. If you find yourself losing focus with your reading, why not make some notes about the information you’ve absorbed already before carrying on? Often when writing something two things happen, first you’ll begin to internalize the information, then you’ll naturally have a thirst to learn more. This may in effect revitalize your interest in the topic and cause you to want to continue with the reading. Give it a try, you might surprise yourself.
Bonus Tips
- Read outdoors: Try visiting a park or a beach. The outdoors are healthy for the mind, so being away from your bedroom or desk may help you take things in.
- Read during a long commute: If you take a bus or train to work then why not use that time to dig into a book? Commuting is already a tedious part of the day for most, so this may be the best time to concentrate on a book.
- If it’s fiction, try to imagine every paragraph played out in your mind as if it’s a high budget Hollywood film. For some, this happens naturally as they read. For others, they need to practice visualising the story that is being told. Doing this can be like a game, and it will raise your engagement with the story.
These are just a few tips for concentrating when reading a book, we bet our friends over at /r/Books have much more.